- Domestic : Rp.5000
Who would have thought that it appears that Indonesia has The Sleeping Buddha the third largest in the world ?
People would even be surprised to know that the presence in the region
statue Trowulan , Mojokerto, East Java.
The statue was built in the complex in the village of Maha Vihara Mojopahit
Bejijong , District Trowulan , Mojokerto .Its location is actually quite
strategically located at the cross road of Surabaya - Mojokerto - Jombang .So if
you want to take the bus from Surabaya , we can majored in Jombang then asked
lowered in Trowulan . From the main road , we had to walk to the temple complex which is quite
hidden in the back of people's homes .

According to several sources on the Internet , this statue has a length of
22 m , a width of 6 m , and height 4.5 m .Making the statue itself implemented
in 1993 by the Venerable Maha Tera Viryanadi .The material used pemahatannya
concrete sculpture done by craftsmen Trowulan origin .In addition to the
Sleeping Buddha statue , in the temple complex there also can be used for
worship by Buddhists who was visiting.
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