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Timang Beach : Adrenaline Challenge With Gondola in Upper Reef - Yogyakarta

Timang Beach Gunung Kidul/ Beach Buckle

Flying Hovering Over buckle Beach - Holidays Gudeng City maennya to Parangtritis, pfft .. less lost! If you've ever lived in Jogja, you certainly well aware that the beaches are located in the southern city of charm mediocre. The beach is actually made amazed actually located in a row of beach in Gunung Kidul. Yep, one of which is Turkish buckle Gunung Kidul that not only offer natural beauty but also offers exciting experiences and adrenaline drain.

The beach is located in the hamlet Danggolo buckle, Purwodadi, District Tepus incoming administration Gunung Kidul. From the district capital, the Wonosari, steep rocky coast is still a distance of approximately 35 kilometers. Pretty much, especially if from the center of the city of Yogyakarta. But if you visit it, ga would lose, guaranteed. A distance of tens of kilometers that is passed will be paid by the beauty of the waves Beach buckle. Moreover, in addition to visiting the buckle you can also visit the beaches all its neighbors, such as Nglambor Beach, Beach Jogan, Siung, Chrysanthemum Beach, Beach Single Pok, Ngetun Beach.

Well, what exciting experience offered Beach RanselWisata buckle as mentioned above? Beach buckle challenged traveler to prove his guts across large wavy reef just use the gondola / traditional cable car driven by human power. Gondola withdrawn from the shoreline to a small island called Pulau Watu length. Do not think like a train hung in Taman Mini-well, artificial residents hanging rail is made of wood with a lifeline in the form of a rope. The use of rope felt stronger to face the corrosive sea water compared to sling made of iron / steel.

Gondola timber in Turkish buckle not support facilities provided by the government tourist Gunung Kidul. The vehicle is actually a means of transportation used by local fishermen to hunt lobster which became one of the local superior products.

At first to cross using a cable car is free, but saw the potential that exists, then local residents mengkomersilkannya. For once crossed, people peg the cost of Rp 200,000. Quite expensive anyway, but please understand to pull the cable car takes a lot of energy as well as specialized skills. Guaranteed deh, the experience gained more valuable than the nominal money paid.
Location and Transportation buckle Beach

Because the beach is not cultivated as a tourist attraction, beach buckle less known. So naturally many tourists would find it difficult to find the location of this beach. If you're backpacking and decided to visit the beach buckle, rent a bike is a wise choice.

From the Wonosari, you continue your journey towards Jalan Baron. Arriving at the junction Mulo, turn left towards Siung, continue to meet market Dakbong. From local citizens to ask directions to the beach buckle. Prepare yourself for a trip to the beach as far as 5 kilometers form the steep cobbled streets of draining and must be passed with caution.
Tips Vacation to buckle Beach

Unwilling hungry or thirsty during a trip to the beach buckle? We recommend that you bring lunch to be taken since the beginning of Jogja or buy it at Wonosari relatively easy to find a mini market.

For those of you who are afraid to stray, using GPS on your smartphone to find enough help buckle Beach. Just input the coordinates beach S8 ° 10'36 "E110 ° 39'44" (-8.1760078,110.6652895) on Google Map or application guides favorites. Of course, look at the signposts and ask local residents are still needed for the sake of accuracy.
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