he techniques, symbolism and culture surrounding hand-dyed cotton and
silk garments known as Indonesian Batik permeate the lives of
Indonesians from beginning to end: infants are carried in batik slings
decorated with symbols designed to bring the child luck, and the dead
are shrouded in funerary batik. Clothes with everyday designs are worn
regularly in business and academic settings, while special varieties are
incorporated into celebrations of marriage and pregnancy and into
puppet theatre and other art forms. The garments even play the central
role in certain rituals, such as the ceremonial casting of royal batik
into a volcano. Batik is dyed by proud craftspeople who draw designs on
fabric using dots and lines of hot wax, which resists vegetable and
other dyes and therefore allows the artisan to colour selectively by
soaking the cloth in one colour, removing the wax with boiling water and
repeating if multiple colours are desired. The wide diversity of
patterns reflects a variety of influences, ranging from Arabic
calligraphy, European bouquets and Chinese phoenixes to Japanese cherry
blossoms and Indian or Persian peacocks. Often handed down within
families for generations, the craft of batik is intertwined with the
cultural identity of the Indonesian people and, through the symbolic
meanings of its colours and designs, expresses their creativity and
Although the process of decorating cloth through the process of batik is found in several regions in Africa or India and even in some South East Asian countries, the batik of Indonesia is unique and unequaled. Indonesian Batik is made in several regions, but the center of the art is Central Java, in cities like Yogyakarta, Solo, Cirebon, Pekalongan (my city :D) and Indramayu.
The pride of Indonesians to wear batik till the present day has preserve
this art of textile.
The beauty of Batik is a tribute to the patience, creativity of the woman of Java, the main island of Indonesia. Credit should be also given to men who prepare the cloth and handle the dyeing and finishing process.
is generally thought of as the most quintessentially Indonesian
textile. Motifs of flowers, twinning plants, leaves buds, flowers,
birds, butterflies, fish, insects and geometric forms are rich in
symbolic association and variety; there are about three thousand
recorded batik patterns.
Although the process of decorating cloth through the process of batik is found in several regions in Africa or India and even in some South East Asian countries, the batik of Indonesia is unique and unequaled. Indonesian Batik is made in several regions, but the center of the art is Central Java, in cities like Yogyakarta, Solo, Cirebon, Pekalongan (my city :D) and Indramayu.
The beauty of Batik is a tribute to the patience, creativity of the woman of Java, the main island of Indonesia. Credit should be also given to men who prepare the cloth and handle the dyeing and finishing process.
Decision 4.COM 13.44
The Committee (…) decides that [this element] satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, as follows:
- R.1: Indonesian Batik has a rich symbolism related to social status, local community, nature, history and cultural heritage; provides Indonesian people with a sense of identity and continuity as an essential component of their life from birth to death; and continues to evolve without losing its traditional meaning;
- R.2: Inscription on the Representative List would contribute to ensuring the visibility of intangible cultural heritage at the local, national and international levels, raising awareness about its value and motivating practitioners, in particular younger generations, to continue its practice;
- R.3: Various actors such as governmental and non-governmental institutions and community-based associations have jointly carried out safeguarding measures including awareness-raising, capacity-building and educational activities, and intend to continue these efforts;
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